1. Familiarize their children with safety procedures, including street crossing guidelines.
2. Adhere to all posted traffic and parking signs in and around the school premises.
3. Remain vigilant for students who might unexpectedly appear between vehicles.
4. Demonstrate respect for other drivers and the community as a whole.
5. By working together to uphold these safety measures, we can minimize potential dangers and hazards, safeguarding the well-being of our students and the entire school community.
Pick-up During School Hours
Parents are welcome to pick up their child/children during school hours by obtaining written authorization from the administration. An authorization form is available at the front desk for this purpose.
End-of-the-Day Pick-up
When the School concludes, We kindly request all parents to avoid arriving at the classrooms before this time to maintain a disruption-free learning environment.
Prior Arrangements for Student Travel
Please ensure that travel arrangements for students are made in advance and communicated with your children.
Respecting Teacher's Time
We kindly request parents not to engage teachers in lengthy conversations regarding student progress during drop-off or pick-up times. While our teachers are always willing to discuss student progress, we request that such discussions be scheduled at a mutually convenient time. Please arrange an appointment for these matters.